
Te Araroa - tramping New Zealand from North to South

Two days and too many blisters

After finishing day two along Ninty Mile Beach, 25km + 30km with the first half in heavy rain on day two, my feet started to complain with a few nasty blisters.

Interrupted the hike to sit it out in Kaitaia. Planned restart, Monday, 23.October.

No compeed blister plasters in Kaitaia Pharmacy. The best-seller these days😂

I‘m in need of them too😎. I never got blisters hiking in thees shoes in the past. The weight of the pack, lots! of rain with really wet socks and this endless beach just helped a lot to develop blisters. Something to learn from😂

Decided to stay in Kaitia for three days to allow my feet to recover. The trail has only just started.

Happy weekend and blister-free feet!🤩

Navigating along Te Paki stream

Day one - beach as far as you can see

More of nothing than beach plus a giant blog.

A few utes roaming along

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